Sunday, December 29, 2013

Aspie Sharing about Creativity


my own experience I believe there's a lot to be said for this. When I was having a rough time in school every day, the one thing that got the bullies to stop bullying me was when they happened to hear me and a friend behind a wall, singing a song we'd worked out pretty harmonies for. Suddenly everyone who had bullied me in school dropped it or actually became nice to me. It was an accidental thing but worked like a charm, I discovered.

I was academically very bright but was bullied for that. I was excruciatingly shy and withdrawn and was bullied for that.
I also had creative talents in creative writing, art, and also music. I loved to sing, and one day I got the only best friend I had to sing the main part of a song while I sang harmony, and we had fun singing this. We never meant for anyone else to hear it, but we were practicing behind a corner wall at breaktime in school, some of my bullies heard it, and instead of giving me a hard time, they actually listened and were impressed, and from that point on life got a lot better for me in school. I've always looked upon that as the big turning point regarding the bullying.

I think it's fairly true in life that if you can do something that gives people a little bit of fun, pleasure, a moment to dream, a moment to laugh, or a moment to be moved -- which the arts all achieve in an audience -- people seem much more willing to give you a pass, brownie points, let you off the hook, admire you, or whatever. I think the key is to move or transport someone's mind or emotions.


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