Adversity Strategy for the MindBlind

The Triumph of the Geek over Asperger in an Investment Banking Technology Career

Missing Social Cues

People with Autism Spectrum Disorder has short-sightedness, in a way that they see the headlines but not the fine prints, in regards to facial expressions and body languages rendering them to miss important but subtle social cues.


Talent and unique qualities.

Social Skills

With the benefits, there comes with a cost (Social Deficits). This is where we could help. Our ministry to provide Christian leadership skills such that Aspies can conquer the social challenges that are faced everyday.


Our ministry is to maximize the benefits by identifying the talent, fully develop it which fulfills God's plan on the person's life, gives the person a sense of self-worth and also minimize the cost (social deficits) by social skills training through cognitive behaviour therapy.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Favourite Outlet Shops in Hong Kong

UNO OUN 常去。这家店是连锁店,在尖沙嘴,湾仔,铜锣湾都有店。很便宜,有些外贸衣是次品。美单的裤子,如J Crew, Liz Claiborne,Chico's, New York & Co等等。Chico's的全棉九分裤,薄薄柔软的料子,型很好,她特别喜欢,才29港币。Chico's在美国是中高档的中年妇女品牌。Chico's要碰才有,但Liz Claiborne和New York & Co在这里经常能看到

Nice Surprise to find out the shops