Saturday, October 5, 2013


Our God is a relational God.  Those who are socially challenged are poor in terms of social skills and not necessary poor in earthly possessions.  Since most Christians will have sufficient social skills, it is  our ministry to share those skills in a respectful and loving way with those who desperately need it, so as to glorify God and fulfill His purpose for creating us.

Current psychological theory is developed by normal people.  However, Aspies has a different thinking process which requires therapy based on a different set of psychological theory for the intervention program to be effective.  Part of the ministry is to conduct research to develop a new set of psychological theory for Aspies, developed by Aspies, so as to advance to the next level the effectiveness of future psychotherapy for Aspies.

培養同理心,好比追求在愛心上的長進,需要在「知識和各樣見識上(腓 1:9不斷進步;所謂「知識」,是關乎人的一切知識,包括不同年齡、文化、成長背景、性別差異、生理及心理特徵等;所謂「各樣見識」,乃指一切關乎感受和經驗。


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