Monday, November 4, 2013

Aspie Discussion: Association Mind - the internal whiteBoard, Being Too Serious on oneself


Someone tell me that it's normal to return to the stuff you fear when you're anxious, because I clicked on a link to we3 through twitter last night and now I feel like a mental masochist.   is it OCD, pure O or something else?

Reply from OctoberTiger
Okay, I think that talking about WHY this is happening or if you are beating yourself up isn't necessarily going to help you out. I think you need a quick solution - understanding can come later, if you wish.

So, what to do?

I'm thinking NLP on this one - the cartoon is occuping a place in your 'internal whiteboard' that is big, colourful and involves movement.

Pretend you've got a big internal movie screen - where abouts on it would the image be? How close/far away? Colous? etc.

What I would do - I would move your image into another location (usually I find bottom right/top right in people), mess up the colours, make it smaller, send it off into outer space. Imagine it shattering like a pane of glass. Whatever it takes! If it has sounds and noises, really mess them up, too.

Notice how your feelings change. Rinse and repeat until it means as much to you as some random event when you were 6 that you can barely recall now.

Have a go with this, if you will - the results can be very satisfying. And, I think it's good when people find a way to control their minds, rather than have their minds control them.

I'm going to watch this we3, myself.

It's defined as a compulsion due to your prior intentions to get it out of your head, you could say you're obsessed with it but I'm willing to bet there's something in your life that takes more or your attention than a comic. I'm not qualified to say one way or another if you have OCD, but all I'm officially diagnosed with is HFA and I use the same technique octobertiger suggested to break unwanted associations in my perception. When you envision something that's not helpful for you, there's simply no banishing the effects, it's infinitely more productive to modify them.
Standing on a well-chilled cinder, we see the fading of the suns, and try to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds.
-Georges Lemaitre

I hate having asperger syndrome! It's like it makes everything worse! I am so ready to see a therapist, I can't do this by myself. (cries hard) I want the bad thoughts to go away! I am so glad to be here with so many understanding people! It's just so comforting to know that I'm not alone and that there are others like me who have been through this.


From OctoberTiger on Too serious:

You're so brittle a little breeze would blow you over. You're doing what you did the other day - taking little things and making them personal. Now, how are you ever going to survive in a relationship like that? You wouldn't last ten minutes. 

It seems your answer to everything is just to kick yourself harder. And it seems you use your intelligence against yourself, that must hurt. 

There are no winners and losers here. It's not about that. Forget about me - whatever, I don't exist. If you're comment involves me and free rent - forget it, I don't work that way. 

Fact - something tiny wound you up. You went silly, and now you're kicking yourself. Break the pattern. No highs, no lows - just a flat line. Like those doctors in the emergency ward. 

The anger has nothing to do with me, or this non-event. It's residue from your past. It's none of my business. Carry it around with you, or drop it in a bin. Choice is yours.

From Punkguy378:
I am just pissed because it seems someone did not like my comment. Not great idea or nothing just "keep your geekiness to yourself" What a nice comment that is. 


This post of yours - I think you could save yourself a lot of time if you printed it out, and used it to guide you. It's basically the whole core pattern you're sticking to, and what feeds your meltdowns. I think it's very honest. 
I just love how people take no accountability for what they did. I did.

And me kicking myself you think its easy when you have low self esteem. I wish I could be rid of it by 'throwing it in a bin".

I have had a lifetime of bs rain down on me like napalm. It gets in soaks everything up and continues to burn. I mean that might as well be what it feels like. You don't know pain.

I just get fed up with it. If you knew what I meant you would understand. 

From OctoberTiger on Too serious:
This isn't about anyone else but you. The moment you chose to explode over an innocuous comment, made by someone who had just posted something very geeky - you chose to make it about you. Not me. 

Now you're back in the deinal stage. This is like the depressive self-hatred cycle on accelerated speed. 


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