Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Fail to Build Meaningful, Load Bearing and Supportive Relationship

Due to social deficits, Aspies are less likely to find and keep meaningful, load bearing and supporting relationship that can accept them as it is, provide feedback to help them to improve their social skills and go extra miles to support them whatever that is needed.  Even if they manage to keep a close friend for a few years due to certain circumstances but there are good chances are their lack of empathy towards others will alienate from the close friends over time when the close friends ran out of patience.  Most of these supportive roles are provided by their parents or close relatives if they are lucky.

They usually has a history of being bullied by their peers at school or work.  Therefore, there are deep-seated hurts by peer group's rejection and misunderstanding.   Ideally, the church could serve as a positive peer group to heal their deep wounds.  Unfortunately, to be accepted by the church fellowship group also requires certain level of social skills and normal behaviour which most Aspies do not have.   As a result, their negative experience accumulated and deepened even so in a church environment because there are the general expectation that the church group will be loving.   In fact, with the high moral expectation from the "Pharisee" type of Christians, Aspies are more likely to be misunderstood, labeled and exposed of their "sins" than normal Christians.  This explains why the Aspies community has less than 1% Christian among highly concentrated Christian countries.   Therefore, it is very important for church leaders to realize that exposing/hinting the rumoured "sins" of Aspies without any solid evidence in the whole church, as an attempt to purified and upgrade their faith, or hinting any negative impression in the congregation will deepen the negative experience of Aspies and eventually caused them to withdraw from church.

Aspies generally are weak in picking up subtle social cues, therefore most of them developed a sixth sense in detecting the atmosphere in the group environment and usually are very accurate.  Any unfriendly atmosphere in a group environment will be interpreted as group rejection.


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