Saturday, November 2, 2013

Locus of Control

Locus of control是心理學名詞,在1950年代由Julian Rotter所提出,在管理和教育領域也會用到。
內控 (Internal Locus of Control),是相信應對自己的命運與前途負責。
外控 (External Locus of Control),相信外在力量決定自己的命運。
Believing we were knock down by others and therefore wounded and stay as it is.  Knock down by others is other people’s fault.  But staying wounded without getting up ourselves and try to take care of the wound and get it healed is our own fault.

With external locus of control, we are giving the control of our life to Satan.  Some people said they just can't get up on their own.  That’s why we cannot be healed by God.  With internal locus of control, Holy Spirit is with us and within us and therefore God can take back the control if we let Him.  Jesus is in us.  When he gets up, he will pull us up with Him.  He can heal our wounds.  Hurts are dark power from Satan causing us to deter from God’s plan on our life.  It is God’s wish that we are healed such that we can become the tree of righteousness.

Stephen Covey

10% of life is made up of what happens to you.
90% of life is decided by how you react.


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